Smart energy & Mobility

The smart energy sector amalgamates the finest offerings of technology and science in an ecologically conscious manner. This realm involves the generation of clean energy through the utilization of alternative fuels and technologies that pose minimal harm to the environment.

As part of the Missija Jūra 2030 initiative, Latvia possesses an extensive 500-kilometer coastline, which represents the Baltics' most substantial offshore wind energy potential, estimated at 16GW. Interestingly, Latvian energy consumption presently stands at only 2GW. Notably, major players in the energy sector are actively exploring hydrogen technologies for use as energy storage units, with the prospect of later utilization in various processes. This development could potentially open doors for energy-intensive, highly automated companies to consider Latvia as a favorable location for their production facilities.


Main subsectors​​​​​

Wind Energy, Combined Heat and Power, Hydroelectric energy, Component manufacturing for the energy industry, Sustainable materials, Recycling

Fast facts
  • Smart energy is one of the most forward-thinking and progressive sectors that you can think of and traditionally the leading field in Latvia, offering state-of-production processes. To no surprise, we are in 3rd place in Europe in terms of the percentage of renewable energy used for heating and cooling (2022).  
  • To implement green technologies to the utmost and most profound level, you need some back-up. We have it. Latvia has easy access to raw materials thanks to its advantageous geographic location.
  • Smart energy requires careful managing of how resources are acquired, stored, and transported to the final destination in the most efficient and environmentally friendly way. We are set here as Latvia has excellent logistics infrastructure.
Industry statistics
  • Eliminating emissions to zero levels is not a fairy-tale. Latvia has finished the National Energy and Climate Plan for 2030 (NECP) and has set plans to reach zero net emissions by 2050. Currently, we are the 17th greenest country in terms of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU (Eurostat, 2022). 
  • We are shifting more and more towards renewable energy resources. The share of renewable energy resources in the final gross energy consumption in 2022 was 43.3% (3rd in the EU). 
  • Not only Latvia is a country with 12.5 thousand rivers, but also we have the 1st highest share of hydroelectric power in the EU (2022).
Employment and education
  • It is always a good idea to consult and cooperate with others. Green-Tech Cluster is an organization for cross-sectoral cooperation that brings together companies, educational and research institutions, and other organizations. There are 62 active member companies in the cluster.
  • The first steps can be challenging in any sector and business. Green Industry Innovation Center or Green Technology incubator is here to support and encourage your business to succeed in green industry innovation.
  • The green technologies field is novel and appealing, attracting many forward-thinking minds - more than 2000 employees are currently working in this field. Where do all the emerging specialists in the green technology sector come from? The Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies in Jelgava is a leader in the creation of innovations related to the bioeconomy and related industries and in the sustainable use of natural resources in the Baltic Sea region.
Industry leaders
  • East Metal has over 40,000 m2 of production space at its disposal divided into four plants in Latvia and Denmark. East Metal excels as a reliable partner in handling projects of complex steel structures and components as well as manufacturing projects for the wind energy sector, transport equipment, cranes, and lifting gear. It also produces machinery and machine parts for the manufacturing industry.
  • CNC SAAN is a metal processing company working with metal milling, turning, welding, and CMM measuring. The major export countries of the company are Sweden, Norway, Germany, and Denmark. The further development of CSNN includes such industries as machine-building, power industry, agriculture, forest exploitation, the field of oil/gas, and furniture. 
  • Energofirma Jauda is one of the largest producers of electrical materials and equipment in the Baltic countries with more than 50 years of experience. The company produces products for energetics and electrification, including compact substations, low and medium voltage equipment, metal constructions, and metalware.
  • Getliņi is the largest municipal solid waste landfill in the Baltic and one of the most modern in Europe. Developed as a safe waste recycling centre, produces biogas from biodegradable waste.
  • Ekubirojs promotes Energy Efficiency and green investment in the Baltics and Eastern Europe, by bringing people, experts, developers and financing together to renovate old Soviet Era buildings.
  • Hemp Eco Systems is developing a new type of building materials that include hemp shives to be used as a healthier and more sustainable alternative to usual types of insulation.
  • Ko Tu Elpo offers smart air biofilters that improve indoor air quality by combining technology and the power of nature by purifying the indoor air from pollutants.
  • Blueshockrace is developing electric go-karts, taking the next step in electric transport solutions, thus improving the tech and providing knowledge about the possibilities of electric vehicles. 
  • Aerones develops state-of-the-art robotic, IoT technologies and provides wind turbine maintenance services worldwide. Technicians operate the robotic tools to perform inspections, repairs, and cleanings. The solution reduces turbine downtime, minimizes idle stay, optimizes costs, and enhances energy production efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Transport and storage sector in Latvia

 From the transport and logistics point of view, Latvia has the best location to establish a business in Northern Europe. Just look at the map! Latvia is at the heart of Europe’s fastest-growing area — the Baltic Sea region (northeast part of Europe). To get further information on Transport and storage sector in Latvia click here.



Smart energy fact sheet
Green energy


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