Foreign direct investment

After Latvia acceded to the EU, the stock of FDI increased rapidly and in 2023 reached its highest point (EUR 24.5 billion). The main factors fostering FDI stock were new market opportunities for foreign investors, stable monetary policy, Latvia’s advantageous geographic location between the EU and CIS countries, and its well-developed infrastructure. After being severely affected by the global financial crisis, Latvia implemented extensive austerity measures.

Most of Latvia’s FDI comes from other EU member states. At the end of 2023, FDI from the EU states represented 83.5% of all accrued FDI. At the end of 2023, the largest investment was from Sweden – 29.9% of the total FDI stock in Latvia’s economy. Investment from Estonia, Lithuania, Germany, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Russia, Denmark, Luxembourg, and Malta has also reached high levels.

FDI split by sectors shows that most investment is attracted in professional, scientific and technical services (22.4%). Other significant foreign investments have been accumulated in financial operations (15.6%), real estate operations (13.4%), manufacturing (12.9%), and trade (12.7%).



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